
My passions include leadership, business, teamwork, and family.

I believe in the dignity of the person. All people are innately worthwhile and every individual has something unique to contribute. Everyone, from the dishwasher to the senator, is deserving of our respect and compassion.

I believe in the power of team. Together we can accomplish more than the collective sum of our parallel efforts. By working together, we not only accomplish more, we participate in something greater than ourselves and bestow upon each other a sense of belonging.

I am a committed husband and father. Teresa and I have eight incredible kids – Sarah, Joseph, Rebekah, Catherine, Jacob, Rosie, Joshua, and Ava. I am a father even when I’m in the board room, a CEO even when I’m tucking the kids into bed, and a husband even when I’m on the road.

I am a student of leadership. My earliest life lessons came from my father, a man forged in military tradition. Today I thirst for wisdom from principled thought leaders like Patrick Lencioni and Simon Sinek, who espouse the merits of virtuous leadership.

I am a passionate entrepreneur. I am fascinated by business, strategy, and execution. I am an insanely competitive visionary that enjoys the art of making something out of nothing. I subscribe to the ideas of conscious capitalism – that business is good, ethical, noble, and heroic.

I am intrigued by all things digital. As a former software engineer, I am a technology geek at heart. As a student of business, I am fascinated by the exponential growth potential being spurred by the digital economy.

I blog at the intersection of these beliefs and passions, sharing my thoughts and the lessons I learn along the way. Three themes envelop most of the content that I write:

I am a semi-sporadic blogger. You will find weeks where I post two or three times – my ideal. There are seasons of life where 6 months will go by between posts, often because I’m writing articles for external publications. Regardless, the best way to stay abreast of my latest posts is by subscribing to my email newsletter.