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Why Your Mobile Product is Destined for Failure
1024 576 David DeWolf

I have bad news. It’s more than likely that your mobile app will fail. Regardless of how brilliant the idea, how innovative your technology, how strong your development team, or…

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Mobile is intersecting with Big Data
1024 576 David DeWolf

Given that portable devices have largely become an extension of the human person, they are rapidly collecting, consuming, and leveraging increasingly complex and rapidly growing sets of data. Not only…

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Mobile First & The Product Mindset
1024 576 David DeWolf

With the rise of portable computing devices, Google announced about a year ago that it was pursuing a new product development mindset – one they described as “Mobile First.” The…

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Current Product Development Trends_David_DeWolf_1200x675
Current product development trends
1024 576 David DeWolf

Quick Insight: There are a couple of trends that we’ve been tracking and that I believe are of note to the product development community. Mobile, obviously, is hot but it…

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The Magic Behind Self-Funding Products_David_DeWolf_1200x675 (1)
The Magic Behind Self-Funding Products
1024 576 David DeWolf

The principle of the Product Mindset I am most fond of is the “Self-Funding Product.” I tend to throw it out in conversation and expect others to know what I’m talking…

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Software developers collaborate via paired programming
Before the Tipping Point: How Three Pillar Global is Leading the Outsourcing Delivery Revolution
800 533 David DeWolf

Recently, the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) brought a Gartner special report to my attention. Titled The Future of Outsourcing and IT Services, it is based on the article, Steering…

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software product
Need to Succeed? Think Product, Not Project
700 539 David DeWolf

The Project Mindset leads to tunnel vision, which is a recipe for failure.

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